Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nortel's Bank of Lesson Plans

Many of you may already be familiar with Nortel's Learn IT, but if you're not, please do check out the website:
The lessons are constructivist in nature and very current -- very few broken links. You can look up lessons by grade, subject, or technology, and there are quite a few online tutorials as well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Eric Carle - 40th Anniversary of Caterpillar!

While I was looking around at webquests, I found a nice one related to Eric Carle, and found out that the 40th Anniversary of the Very Hungry Caterpillar will be on March 20th. Here is the webquest:
I think I'll use it (or parts of it, at least) when we get back after the break.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Best WebQuests . com

I just found a great page on Tom March's blog, listing the 194 Best WebQuests from 1181 altogether.

Best WebQuests . com

Miniature World

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Webquest Web2.0

Here's a link to a really interesting article, by Thomas March, called "Revisiting Webquests in a Web 2 World."

Really worth looking at. I especially liked the section about intrinsic motivation.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Did You Know?

While there are quite a few similar videos out there, this one remains a favorite (i't's on theshort side, too). I'm reminded of the Internet Serenity Prayer: "Technologist, grant me the Serenity to accept that not everything can be found on the Internet, the Courage to go to the Library, and the Wisdom to evaluate the information I do find."


Welcome to my blog!
I am a teacher-librarian at a small, rural elementary school, and I've created this blog as part of an assignment for Librarianship Part 3 at York.
I am new to the world of blogging, and am very intimidated by the number of fantastic school library blogs out there. Some actually seem to be school library websites in blog form (see, for example, -- very impressive!)
My principle nterests are in finding great ways to motivate readers and learners -- best books, best websites, best practises. I will be posting some of my favorites, and hope to learn of others.